The initial round of interviews went very well and I am pleased to include three expert voices in this first film. Viewers get a big taste of conditions which existed at Oakalla and which often made the institution boil over. There is also an examination of the contentious relationship of a the infamous prison complex and its "long suffering" host city - Burnaby. It was essential for me to research and achieve a thorough grounding in people and events before I develop a script of depth, which must explore some of the most divisive social and political issues in British Columbia history - to set the stage for old ghosts to appear and tell their stories.
Participants in this first OAKALLA video include:
Earl Andersen was a guard at Oakalla in the 1980s and now serves as an NCO on the Vancouver police force. He was on staff during the New Year 1988 mass escape and is the author of the most complete history of Oakalla, which is entitled A HARD PLACE TO DO TIME.
Derek Corrigan was a corrections officer who later became a lawyer, by way of UBC Law School. He was a Burnaby Alderman at the time of the 1988 breakout and was an aggressive Civic spokesman on the issue of shutting Oakalla down. He is currently Mayor of Burnaby and is still the loudest voice opposing any form of Provincial Remand facility in his city.
Tom Gooden is Assistant Curator at the Burnaby Village Museum, and is an authority on Oakalla property and its surviving artifacts. The village, which is frequently used as a period set by the movie industry, is a "living history" museum on the shore of Deer Lake, adjacent to the former Oakalla prison property.
THE GHOSTS OF OAKALLA is being shot in HD video but I recently spoke to a filmmaker who dimly recalls a student project being shot about twenty years ago... she thought in VHS format. If anyone could turn that dangle into hard information, I would certainly appreciate an email. I am eager to source footage from Oakalla's entire lifespan 1912-1991, be it silent celluloid or amateur VHS tape, especially anything taken "inside".
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